“The one thing that holds us all back in life is our inner mean girl”


My inner mean girl loves to talk and somehow, it’s mostly negative talk…
  • When I was bullied in school for wearing glasses (four-eyed me), my inner mean girl said, “I am ugly”
  • When my older sister was tall and beautiful and I was short and dark-skinned (a big no-no in India), the inner mean girl said, “I am not beautiful”
  • When I lost my mom at the age of 14, the inner mean-girl said, “I don’t deserve love”
  • When I moved to Canada, and struggled to fit in, the inner mean girl said, “I am not good enough”
  • When my first husband cheated on me, the inner mean-girl said, “I am not worthy”
  • When I started my business and failed and failed and failed, the inner mean-girl said, “I am a failure”
And I let that inner mean girl take over just like that….

My Story

When I lost my mom, I was forced to abandon my childhood and pushed into adulthood. I had to take care of the younger siblings. No one ever asked how I was doing because talking about mental health was a taboo back in those days (unfortunately, it still is).

I attached my worth to helping others, and if I couldn’t make someone happy, the inner mean-girl came knocking: I wasn’t good enough.

I moved from one career to another – never happy never satisfied – because the voice in my head kept telling me there was more to life. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but there was a nagging feeling that I deserved more.

Finally, I gave in and quit my job to start a business. With no experience, I dived in head-first to find my passion. However, nothing felt right.

It was one failure after another – and that’s when I came face to face with the years of programming, the repeated patterns, inaction, procrastination, fear, self-doubt… I was never good enough. 

My self-worth stopped me from playing big. I was stuck in the repeated patterns of starting something new, procrastinating, and then stopping half-way to pick a new project/career.


As I got exposed to the world of personal development, I realized how my childhood subconscious beliefs were holding me back. One by one, the deep-rooted limiting beliefs showed up, and I was forced to look inwards.   The biggest thing holding me back was my negative self-image that led to:
  • Low self-esteem
  • No sense of self-worth 
  • Lack of self-belief
  • Self-criticism
Yes, it was that bad and that serious… I went on a journey of self-love, and found the real ME – the Flawthentic ME. However, it was not always smooth-sailing and I had to fight back through the ups and downs – the momentsof self-doubt, self-criticism, but the anomaly this time was me getting back up every time.    

Flawthentic ME was born from my journey of embracing my complete self – flaws and all. 

We are all divine beings born unique and flawless, but the world around us teaches us that we are flawed. I had to come to the understanding that these are not MY flaws – only perceptions – and it was time to embrace them as part of me and tell the inner mean-girl to shut up so that I can show up as ME… 

Flawthentic ME is dedicated to loving ourselves UNCONDITIONALLY despite of our perceived flaws. We are all like emeralds – valuable and rare – but just like emeralds, we also have flaws. We are incomplete, bruised up and rough around the edges. 

And the flaws make us who we are… because the flaws show our authenticity and character. 

Let yourself be flawed… embrace those flaws and stand true to yourselves.

Birth of Flawhtentic Me

My husband and I were sitting across the dinner table talking about my journey and how to sum it up in one word. I suggested Flawsome, and my husband quickly grabbed a book and started turning pages. And then he read out these lines to me:

“Like us, emeralds are valuable, rare, and pretty durable. 

But there’s something else emeralds are known for: their flaws. I know it’s hard to admit, …… but we all have a lot of flaws. We are incomplete, scratched up in some places, jagged around the edges. Flawed emeralds are sometimes even better than flawless ones. because the flaws show authenticity and character. “
As soon as he read it out, I said, “Flawthentic”, and that’s how Flawthentic was born. 

* These lines are from Tala Nashawati’s speech at the Wellesley College’s commencement in 2017, and Hillary Clinton was the chief guest. My husband read the lines from Secretary Clinton’s book “What Happened”. Disclaimer: this has nothing to do with any political affiliations, that paragraph just resonated at a very deep level.

So enlightened with my own calling, I now help people transform into their Flawthentic self by identifying their patterns and overcoming the mental blocks so they can tap into their LIMITLESS POTENTIAL and manifest the success they always desired.